March 19, 2013

KN's European Exchange

Hello again!

Here is a navigation post that lists out all the destinations that I've been to from September to December 2012.

2. Spain (Ibiza)
And of course... Read the rest of my blog for everything Paris-related.

Thanks for reading, :)

March 17, 2013

The End.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, wraps up my exchange!!
Thanks everyone for keeping up with me while I was away and for being interested in where I was travelling :) you guys are the best.
I still can't believe that 2012 is over and I'm pretty sure it's easy for me to say that 2012 was the best year YET! For so many reasons, I can't even begin to explain.
Although this blog is officially over, you can keep up with my little life through my new personal blog (skn).

But until then... I just want to say:
Thanks Paris for the ultimate BEST four months of my entire life.
(Why was it the best four months of my life? Read my previous posts! I only have like 348023848...Haha)
It was such a great experience, and I learned so many things about the world and also about myself.
I had the opportunity to visit so many different cities and meet so many unbelievable individuals who have enriched my life in too many ways possible. If I had the opportunity to do this all over again, I would.

If you are currently deciding whether or not to study abroad, stop questioning it and just DO IT.
Trust me. You won't regret it. :)

February 03, 2013

snow on mountains & mountains on snow

Arriving in Switzerland felt unreal. We arrived in Zurich with snow on the ground and mountains. It was beautiful!! We quickly headed to the train station, on route to Interlaken.
Outside Zurich's train station
Arriving in Interlaken was amazingggg. All I could see was snowy mountain tops and blue skies.
This picture was taken in a snowy blank field with untouched snow (that I quickly ruined by running through it haha). But how gorgeous are those mountains?!
Creepy Swiss Franc bills...
Our super homey hostel room :)
our first Switzerland meal : kebab box (obvi)
Studying... In Switzerland... With chocolate and tiramisu :)
Streets of Interlaken at night
Trying to chill our alcohol LOL
Signing our lives away to Skydiving!!!! But never ended up going... Due to the dumb weather conditions :(
so serene
Hooter's 50th anniversary :)
Our new friends (lol)
On our 2nd last day, we decided to toughen up and go skiing. We rented all our equipment the night before and headed out early in the morning. It had juuust snowed that morning (slash was still snowing a bit) so it was all fresh powdered snow! :)
all happy and 100% okay, before our first tumble down a cliff LOL
after the wipe out.  trying to find my ski poles..
...and posed and smiled.
So pretttyyyyy.
skiing down
lunch break!
After lunch, we decided to take a scenic path and ski down the entire mountain. Ambitious? YOLO. :) 
It took us about 3 hours, but it was so worth it
Arrived safely at the bottom of the mountain :)
We decided to splurge on dinner (food is SO expensive in Switzerland..) and get normal meals because we had quite a rough last day haha
After going back to Balmers and resting for a bit, we ended up hanging out with a bunch of the people that lived there and went out to the Irish bar near our hostel. Probably one of the most useless things I did there LOL not only did we not drink but we left in about 30 minutes and also had the most disgustingest homemade cupcake I've ever had in my entire life. Gross.

But that ends my snowy trip to Switzerland :)
Although I left out the stories about my falls... It's okay because I'm okay :P

I can officially say that I have skied down the Swiss Alps. CHECK, that off my bucketlist! Woopwoop :)

January 14, 2013

KN does Switzerland!

And to conclude my trips...
The last trip of my exchange was in Switzerland :) 
What better way to test your skiing skills by skiing down the Swiss Alps!!
That has always been on my bucketlist, so I was definitely really excited for this one last hurrah.
 I also specifically picked to go to Interlaken, Switzerland because I wanted to go skydiving over the Swiss Alps.. Sadly that failed :'( due to the dumb weather!!! BUT my skiing experience definitely made my trip worth it stills.
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Total spent on visiting 23 countries: $5005.89 (and I'm not lying :D)
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January 07, 2013

La Cuisine Paris Macaron Class

I've always wanted to learn how to make a macaron, so what better time to learn how to make a French pastry when I'm in Paris?

I signed up for a Macaron Noël baking class in December with La Cuisine Paris. It was perfect because all the classes were in English, so I didn't have to worry about that and also there are a lot of other classes besides macarons!
Here are some pictures from our class :)
Me listening intently while mixing
Mixing in the meringue into the mixture
Piping is a lot harder than it looks..
Success :)
Added gold flakes on the tops :)
Proud of my piping hehe
Into the oven they go! For 12-15 minutes, or until they stop sticking to the sheet
Look at their feet! :)
Me and my "K" macaron
Final product: Pink macarons with chocolate ganache and gold designs ;)
I'd say that overall, this baking session, was a huge success!
Besides the color not turning out correctly (it's supposed to be a deep red LOL fail), it was a very fun experience! I missed baking soo much, so this really helped me fill my void until I got back to Toronto.

I'll be practicing more when I settle back in Toronto. So if you want to be my guinea pig.. Just let me know ;)
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