We also walked across the Seine on our way to the Louvre, and although we were pretty tired from walking and standing around, the scenic walk through the garden was so worth it. I usually hate being outside, but the garden was so pretty!! I could definitely spend an entire afternoon frolicking around.
1. Walking across the Seine
2-3. Walking in the Tuileries Gardens. So gorgeous, and a perfect place for a picnic!
4. At Musée d'Orsay
5. My boyfriend and I (he's really shy)
6-7. Inside the Salle des Fêtes
After walking around both museums, we went for dinner at Bouillon Chartier. The restaurant was in a little alleyway from one of the bigger streets, which is about a 4 minute walk from the Metro Station, Grands Boulevards. The address for the one and only Chartier restaurant is 7 Rue du Faubourg Montmartre, 75009 Paris, France (if you ever want to give it a try!)
Apparently Chartier prides itself for being traditional. The waiters wear the traditional attire of black vests and white aprons, and they still write your order on the table! This is also why Chartier has many simple French dishes for a reasonable price.
Also, the exterior and interior décor was so cute and French-like! We had appetizers (which obviously would include escargots and terrine de campagne!), main dishes (I ordered the Darne de Saumon a L'aneth), and a bottle of rosé (Buzet A.O.C). Everything was delicious. I would definitely recommend this restaurant. #nomnomnom

After dinner (and cue the excitement), we went to the Eiffel Tower! The last time I came here, I was so young so I don't remember much. So today was as if I saw it for the first time :) it was magnifique. We got there exactly at 8:55pm, so we only had to wait 5 minutes for it to light up. Such perfect timing! I can't wait to go back :)
14. View of the Eiffel Tower at 8:55pm
15. View of the Eiffel Tower at 9:00pm
16. Le Tour Eiffel et Moi
17. I love my fams!!
To say that "Paris has been amazing so far" would be a complete understatement. I'm honestly loving it here. I don't think I'll be homesick much o:) And if I had an option, I don't think I'd ever come back.. Aurevoir mes amies!